Many of us know someone who has been affected by cancer and the heartache it brings with it. Since our dear friend Paul Scully-Sloan died in 2019 we have been working with organisations to provide some comfort and a smile for those on this journey. From young children to men who are in-patients, and have been privileged to see the smiles from those we deliver too. I first came across Clic Sargent (Young Lives Matter) while working as a Community Champion for Morrisons part-time, and enjoyed working and fundraising to support families locally. When Paul was diagnosed it was the first ward (YLM) that he was placed on until they could find a bed for him. They made him smile, and the care he received was exceptional. Leaving him that day when he was diagnosed was one of the hardest days of my life. When Paul passed away it became our mission to continue to deliver chemo hats in his memory, AND support the amazing healthcare professionals that cared for him. From that day on we have been on a mission as a team (Big Mans order's) to provide special chemo hats, toiletry bags, and treats for the team. Paul even has his own corner in the staff room now, with plenty of piggy's for the team to cuddle when they are having a hard day!
So, it was an honour to receive such a beautiful thank you letter from the Team at Young Lives Matter and visit Jacks House where families are provided with accommodation close to where children will receive their treatment. A home from home. Not only did it inspire me and Harry but it has motivated us all as a team to do more within our community. From gift baskets to chemo hats it all makes a difference, and toiletries. W e have donated over 700 hats, Coffee machines, piggy teddies, comfort packs, and boxes of much needed toiletries, not forgetting over 100 Worry Monsters for children and teenagers. We would like to say a huge thank you to all the volunteers who support our community projects, and we are looking forward to delivering our Christmas Hampers this December.
If you would like to help us with our community projects, handmake chemo hats and blankets, or help fundraise, please drop us an email at We can all make a difference in our communities and in the lives of those who battle this horrid disease. Alternatively, you can visit Young Lives Vs Cancer and sign up today to support the work they do for families.
