We were very humble to deliver some special gifts to some extraordinary workers within the NHS. Sometimes we can lose sight of the people who truly are fighting for change, who give unconditionally hope, care, and kindness. I guess you can provide all the tools in the world, and it depends on the human being if they want to use them. I say human being is because unfortunately so many bereaved parents do not experience the same care, attention to detail that others do, I often as myself is it lack of training, experience, or training that is not focusing on the individual in front of them? So, it is not only an honour to work alongside some amazing health professionals, but also hugs our hearts when we tell them too, and there are so supporting us on this journey. Leading the way, helping to change policies, and ensuring you are cared for as an individual. It is not case of one size fits all, or it dictates by law that it is not a baby under 24 weeks if not born breathing. We all know the figures are higher, and more so in Covid. Without the care, kindness, respect of so many, we could of easily of catapulted back the previous century. But no others went out of their way to support us as an organisation, and women and their families who were experiencing the heartache.
So, we are so pleased to have stopped by yesterday and surprised the ladies at The Royal Oldham hospital, Gynae ward. They say a picture speaks 1,000 words; well I am sure you will agree this one truly does! What a beautiful picture, Laura & Sally as we know them as people, Lead Bereavement Nurse and Matron.
Yesterday, we delivered and sent 75 Acts of Kindness packs within the NHS to thank them for their service, each one with a handmade card in memory of a little one that has gone on before us, a chocolate heart treat, special handmade with love gifts from our amazing team of volunteer's. We would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to everyone who works within the NHS and have included some of our favourite picture's and memories we have shared over the year's. Once again, what an honour it is to work with so many who support our campaign #DressedwithDignity and #15thOctober for a National Day of Remembrance for Pregnancy & Infant Loss within the UK.

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Once again, "Happy 75th Birthday NHS" and thank you for your service.

#Togetherwecanallmakeadifference #dressedwithdignity #NHS #nhs75thAnniversary #pregnancyloss #everypregnancymatters #everybabymatters #pre24weeks #blaw2023 #15thOctober #babyloss #nationaldayofremembranceforpregnancyandinfantloss #WeRememberTogether #thankyou #ectopic #molar #tfmr #miscarriage #earlybabyloss

Together we have made some precious memories together, long may it continue.
